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Question IndividualAssignment

Question IndividualAssignment


Short AnswerQuestions–basedonEconomicTheory


DueFriday2thJune,Week11by5pm(AEST Australianeasternstandardtime)

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• Youmayneedtodo researchof yourownaswellasreadingthearticles provided.Marksareawardedforthis.

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• Makesureyouexplainyourdiagramsandanswerallpartsofeachquestion.

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Part1: FirmPerspective[25marks]

Usethefollowingarticleand yourownresearchtoanswerthefollowingquestions:

Competitivedynamicsinthe bankingsector

TheTreasurypresentationearlierintheweektotheSenateinquiryoncompetitionin the banking sectordrewattentionto anumberof significantdevelopmentswhichhave,collectively,alteredthe competitivedynamicsof theretailbankingsectorin recent years.

…therehas been furtherconsolidationinthe Australianbankingsectorsincetheglobalfinancial crisis.

Aconsequenceof thesefactorsis thatthefourmajorbankshaveexpandedtheircollectivemarket shareacrossarangeof loananddepositproducts.

Thisis illustratedinthehomeloanmarket(Chart5). The shareof totalhousingloancreditforthefive largestbanks—thefourmajorbanks(CommonwealthBank,NAB,ANZandWestpac)plus St George — has increasedfrom around60 percentbeforetheonsetof the GFCin mid-2007to around


Chart5: Majorbanks (Wespac,CommonwealthBank,NAB,ANZ)gainmarketshare


…TheGovernmentis seekingto enhancecompetitivepressuresintheprovisionof retailbanking products,includinghomeloans,withthepackageofmeasuresannouncedontheweekend.This includes:

• banningexitfeesonnewhomeloans;

• examiningprovidingacapacityforconsumersto transferdepositsandmortgagesbetweenbanks;

• enhancingdisclosureof homeloanproducts;

• supportingcreditunionsandbuildingsocieties;

• empoweringthe ACCCto investigateandprosecute anti-competitivepricesignalling;

• fast-trackingreformstocreditcards;

• monitoringandpossiblyenhancingATMreforms;


• acommunityawarenessandeducationprogram designedtomakeconsumersbetterinformed.



1. Basedonthearticleaboveanswerthefollowingquestions.

a)Whattypeof marketdoAustralianBanksoperatein?HowhastheGlobal FinancialCrisisaffectedcompetitionin thismarket?Explainyouranswer.7 marks

b)Assumethebiggestfourbanksin Australiadecidedtocolludeandagreeto chargea highpriceonbankingproducts.Graphicallydemonstratetheprice andoutputin thismarketandexplainyourdiagram.8marks

c)Howandwhyisthe governmentseekingtoincreasecompetitionin the bankingsector?Explainyouranswerwithreferencetothediagramyou constructedinpartb).5marks

2.Brieflydescribewhattriggersentryin a perfectlycompetitivemarketandthe processthatendsfurthere

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