01 Jul Programming Assignment 1: Linked Lists
Question Description
I have a C++ programming HW assignment that deals with linked listed. in the List.h file there is a comment that says TODO and those are what need to be done to complete the assignment. I included a handout document describing what needs to be done. If there are any questions please feel free to ask. thank you! ( this website wont let me upload .h and cpp files so im done leave in it text here for you to copy it.
#include “List.h”
using namespace std;
// placeholder
return nullptr;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
int x;
int n, ndel;
n = 1000;
if(argc == 2) {
n = atoi(argv[1]);
for(x=1; x<=4; x++) { list->push_front(x);
for(x=1; x<=4; x++) { list->push_back(x);
cout << "popped " << x <
cout << "after remove-all(2):\n"; list->print();
// string words[] = {“hello”, “goodbye”, “sunrise”, “sunset”};
string words[] = {“alice”, “bob”, “cathy”, “donald”};
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { list2->push_front(words[i]);
cout << "list sorted? " << list->is_sorted() << endl; cout << "list2 sorted? " << list2->is_sorted() << endl; cout << "list3 sorted? " << list3->is_sorted() << endl; // list2->front = NULL;
delete list;
delete list2;
delete list3;
* slow_list FUNCTION
list = slow_list(n);
cout << "starting slow_remove_all (n=" << n << ")" << endl; ndel = list->slow_remove_all(0);
cout << "slow_remove_all done!" << endl;
cout << " num-deleted: " << ndel << endl;
cout << " list-len after: " << list->length() << endl;
delete list;
return 0;
#ifndef LIST_H
#define LIST_H
using namespace std;
class List
// struct for singly-linked list nodes
struct Node
T data;
Node *next;
Node( const T & d = T{}, Node * n = nullptr)
: data{ d }, next{ n } { }
// constructors
List( ) {
init( );
~List( ) {
clear( );
* Disclaimer: C++ conventions tell us that we should have a couple
* of additional constructors here (a copy constructor, assignment operator
* etc.)
* However, to keep things simple for now we will ignore that convention
* (since the exposure to C++ is pretty variable it seems — some students
* having taken 141 before last semester; some students coming from 107,
* etc.)
* function: clear
* desc: makes the calling list empty (but the list still
* exists).
void clear(){
Node * p = front;
Node *pnext;
while(p != nullptr) {
pnext = p->next;
delete p;
p = pnext;
front = back = nullptr;
* function: length
* desc: returns the length of the calling list
* REQUIREMENTS: this is a working implementation, but
* it takes linear time.
* Your job (todo): make modifications so that this
* operation becomes constant time (O(1)).
* This task is different from most others in that most of
* the “real” work you do to make this work
* in O(1) time will be in _other_ functions which affect
* the length of lists.
* HINT: you are free to add data members to the List class…
* maybe for “bookkeeping”??
int length( ) const {
Node *p = front;
int n=0;
while(p != nullptr) {
p = p->next;
return n;
// Return true if the list is empty, false otherwise.
bool is_empty( ) const {
return front == nullptr;
void print() const {
Node *p = front;
cout << "[ "; while(p != nullptr) { cout << p->data << " "; p = p->next;
cout << "]\n"; } void push_front(const T & data) { front = new Node(data, front); if(back == nullptr) back = front; } bool pop_front(T &val) { Node *tmp; if(front==nullptr) return false; val = front->data;
tmp = front;
front = front->next;
delete tmp;
back = nullptr;
return true;
void push_back(const T & val) {
Node *tmp = new Node(val, nullptr);
if(front == nullptr) {
front = back = tmp;
else {
back->next = tmp;
back = tmp;
bool remove_first(const T &x) {
Node *p, *tmp;
T dummy;
if(front==nullptr) return false;
if(front->data == x) {
return true;
p = front;
while(p->next != nullptr) {
if(x == p->next->data) {
tmp = p->next;
p->next = tmp->next;
if(tmp == back)
back = p;
delete tmp;
return true;
p = p->next;
return false;
int slow_remove_all(const T &x) {
int n=0;
return n;
bool is_sorted() const {
Node *p = front;
while(p!=nullptr && p->next != nullptr) {
if(p->data > p->next->data)
return false;
p = p->next;
return true;
/** TODO
* function: count
* description: Counts number of occurrences
* of x in the list and returns that count.
* REQUIRMENT: Linear runtime (O(n) where n is the length
* of the list.)
int count(const T &x) const {
return 0;
* function: pop_back
* if list is empty, we do nothing and return false
* otherwise, the last element in the list is removed, its
* value (data field) is assigned to the reference parameter
* data (so the removed element can be ‘passed-back’ to the
* caller) and true is returned.
* REQUIRMENT: Linear runtime (O(n) where n is the length
* of the list.)
bool pop_back(T &data) {
return false;
* function: equal_to
* description: returns true if lst1 and lst2
* contain exactly the same sequence of values.
* Returns false otherwise.
* REQUIRMENT: Linear runtime (O(n) where n is the length
* of the shorter of the two lists.
bool equal_to(const List
return 0; // placeholder
* TODO: print in reverse order
* Try to do without looking at notes!
* Hints: recursive helper function
* REQUIRMENT: Linear runtime (O(n) where n is the length
* of the list.)
void print_rev() const {
* For full credit, you cannot allocate any new memory!
* description: self-evident
* REQUIRMENT: Linear runtime (O(n) where n is the length
* of the list.)
void reverse() {
/** TODO
* function: fast_remove_all
* description: same behavior/semantics as
* slow_remove_all. However, this function
* must guarantee linear time worst case
* runtime (hence, “fast”).
* REQUIREMENT: linear worst-case runtime.
* Note: your solution may be either recursive or
* iteratieve.
int fast_remove_all(const T &x) {
return 0;
/** TODO
* function: insert_sorted
* description: assumes given list is already in sorted order
* and inserts x into the appropriate position
* retaining sorted-ness.
* Note 1: duplicates are allowed.
* Note 2: if given list not sorted, behavior is undefined/implementation
* dependent. We blame the caller.
* So… you don’t need to check ahead of time if it is sorted.
* O(n) runtime
void insert_sorted(const T &x) {
/** TODO
* function: merge_with
* description: assumes both list a and b are in
* sorted (non-descending) order and merges them
* into a single sorted list with the same
* elements.
* This single sorted list is stored in a while
* b becomes empty.
* if either of given lists are not sorted,
* we blame the caller and the behavior is
* implementation dependent — i.e., don’t worry
* about it!
* Condition in which both parameters are the same
* list (not merely “equal”), the function simply
* does nothing and returns. This can be tested
* with simple pointer comparison.
* Example:
* a: [2 3 4 9 10 30]
* b: [5 8 8 11 20 40]
* after call a.merge_with(b):
* a: [2 3 4 5 8 8 9 10 11 20 30 40]
* b: []
* Runtime Must be linear in the length of the
* resulting merged list (or using variables above,
* O(a.length()+b.length()).
* should not allocate ANY new list
* nodes — it should just re-link existing
* nodes.
void merge_with(List &other){
* function: clone
* description: makes a “deep copy” of the given list a
* and returns it (as a List pointer).
* NOTE: this functionality would normally be folded into
* a “copy constructor”
List * clone() const {
return nullptr;
* function: prefix
* description: removes the first k elements from the
* calling list which are used to form a new list
* which is then returned.
*if n is the length of the given list, we have the
*following boundary conditions:
* if k==0:
* calling list unchanged and an empty list returned
* if k>=n:
* calling becomes empty and a list containing
* all elements previously in lst is returned.
* EX1: lst: [2, 3, 9, 7, 8]
*k: 3
* List
*after call:
* lst: [7, 8]
* returned list (prefix): [2, 3, 9]
* EX2 lst: [2, 3, 9, 7, 8]
*k: 0
* call:
* List
*after call:
* lst: [2, 3, 9, 7, 8] (unchanged)
* returned list: []
* EX3 lst: [2, 3, 9, 7, 8]
*k: 5
* call:
* List
*after call:
* lst: []
* returned list: [2, 3, 9, 7, 8]
* RUNTIME: THETA(n) worst case where n is the length of the given list
* ORDERING: the ordering of the returned prefix should be the same as
* in the given list
* MEMORY: for full credit, no new nodes should be
* allocated or deallocated; you should just
* “re-use” the existing nodes. HOWEVER, you will
* need to allocate a List object for the returned
* prefix (but, again, the underlying Nodes should be
* re-used from the calling list).
return nullptr;
* function: filter_leq
* description: removes all elements of the given list (lst) which
*are less than or equal to a given value (cutoff)
*A list containing the removed elements is returned.
* examples:
* EX1: lst: [4, 9, 2, 4, 8, 12, 7, 3]
*cutoff: 4
*after call:
*lst: [9, 8, 12, 7]
*returned list: [4, 2, 4, 3]
* —————————————–
* EX2: lst: [6, 5, 2, 1]
*cutoff: 6
*after call:
*lst: []
* returned list: [6, 5, 2, 1]
* RUNTIME: THETA(n) where n is the length of the given list
* ORDERING: the ordering of the returned list should be the same as
* in the given list
* MEMORY: for full credit, no new nodes should be allocated or deallocated;
* you should just “re-use” the existing nodes. HOWEVER, you will
* need to allocate a LIST structure itself (i.e., for the returned
* list).
List * filter_leq(const T & cutoff) {
return nullptr;
* function: concat
* description: concatenates the calling list with parameter list (other)
* The resulting concatenation is reflected the calling list; the
* parameter list (other) becomes empty.
* example:
* EX1: a: [2, 9, 1]
* b: [5, 1, 2]
* call:
* a.concat(b);
* after call:
*a: [2, 9, 1, 5, 1, 2]
*b: []
* runtime: O(1)
* sanity: this operation makes sense when a and b
*are distinct lists. For example, we don’t
*want/allow the caller to do something like
*my_list->push_front(my_lst, 4);
*my_list->push_front(my_lst, 2);
*your implementation must detect if it is being
*called this way. If so the function does nothing
*and (optionally) prints an error message to
void concat(List
if(this == &other) {
cerr << "warning: List::concat(): calling object same as parameter"; cerr << "\n list unchanged\n"; return; } cout << "List::concat(): no error...\n"; } /** * TODO * * function: compare_with * description: compares the calling list with parameter list (other) * "LEXICALLY" (essentially a generalization of dictionary * ordering). * * link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lexicographical_orde... * * Return Value: * * o if the two lists are identical, 0 is returned. * o if the calling list is lexically BEFORE the other list, * -1 is returned * o otherwise, the other list is lexically before the calling * list and 1 (positive one) is returned. * * Properties and examples: * * The empty list is lexically before all non-empty lists * (you can say it is "less than" all non-empty lists). * * Examples (using mathematical notation): * * [2 5 1] < [3 1 1 1 1] (think dictionary ordering!) * * [4 1 3] < [4 1 3 0 0 0] (prefix: just like "car" is before * "cartoon" in the dictionary). * * [4 5 6 1 2 3 9 9 9] < [4 5 6 1 4 0 0] * ^ ^ * (they have a common prefix of length 4; but at * the fifth position they differ and the left list * is the winner (smaller) -- no need to look further) * * * Templates? * * Since List is a template class, the elements of a particular * list need not be integers. For example, we could have * lists of strings. * * Good news: the exact same principle applies because * strings can be compared just like integers can be compared! * * Great news: you don't need to think about this at all! * The exact same code you would write if you assumed the element * type is integer will work for other types like strings. * * Why? Because, for example, all of these operators: * * <, <=, ==, > and >=
* all work on strings. They are not ‘built-in’ to C++, but
* the class string has “overloaded” these operators (they
* result in an appropriate function call).
* (In a subsequent exercise, we will do this kind of
* overloading ourselves!)
* Examples with lists of strings:
* [“egg”, “goat”] < ["egg", "globe", "apple"]
* ["zebra", "fun"] < ["zebra", "funny"]
* [Yes, the components of these lists are THEMSELVES compared
* lexically, but the string class is doing those comparisons)
int compare_with(const List
return 0;
* function: suffix_maxes
* desc: constructs a new list of the same length as the calling object
* with the value stored at position i of the new list is the MAXIMUM
* value in the suffix (or tail) of the calling list starting from
* position i.
* This new list is returned and the calling list is unchanged.
* Example:
* Given List: [6, -18, 12, 4, 1, 7, 2, 5 4]
* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
* New list: [12, 12, 12, 7, 7, 7, 5, 5, 4]
* ^
* (as a sub-example, the marked entry in the new list
* (marked with ‘^’) is the max of the marked suffix in the
* given list (marked with a bunch of ‘^’s).
* Total Runtime: O(n)
* Calling list is unchanged.
return nullptr;
Node *front;
Node *back;
void init( ) {
front = nullptr;
back = nullptr;
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