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regardless of your time zone. As long as your submission time stamp is not later than 1:59 a.m. ET, you have submitted on time.

regardless of your time zone. As long as your submission time stamp is not later than 1:59 a.m. ET, you have submitted on time.

Week 1

Community and Population-based Nursing Care



Course Media: Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012).Family, Community and Population-Based Care.Baltimore: Author.

“Community and Population-Based Nursing Care: The Past, Present, and Future” featuring Dr. Louise Fitzpatrick and Ms. Joan Marren

Course Text: Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2008).Public health nursing: Population-centered health care in the community. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier.

Chapter 1, “Population-Focused Practice: The Foundation of Specialization in Public Health Nursing”
Chapter 2, “History of Public Health and Public and Community Health Nursing”
Chapter 9, “Population-Based Public Health Nursing Practice: The Intervention Wheel”
Students will also be assignedoneof the following chapters from “Part 7: Nurse Roles and Functions in the Community” in the course textbook:

Chapter 39, “The Advanced Practice Nurse in the Community”
Chapter 40, “The Nurse Leader in the Community”
Chapter 41, “The Nurse in Home Health and Hospice”
Chapter 42, “The Nurse in the Schools”
Chapter 43, “The Nurse in Occupational Health”
Chapter 45, “The Nurse in the Faith Community”
Chapter 46, “Public Health Nursing at Local, State, and National Levels”
Optional Resources are listed in the Week 1 Learning Resources area.

Threaded Discussion

The Role of the Community and Public Health Nurse

This week, your Instructor assigned you a chapter in the course textbook that discussed the role of the public health nurse in a specific setting. Based on your assigned chapter and bearing in mind the primary prevention focus of the community/public health nurse, respond to the following:

What differentiates the role of the community and public health nurse from other health professionals?
What skills and knowledge are necessary for the type of decision making inherent in population-focused nursing practice?
How do these skills differ from those required in the institutional setting?
Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.

Post your response to this Discussion byDay 3. Respond to at leasttwocolleagues’ postings byDay 7. See the Week 1 Discussion area for details.


The History of Public Health and the Role of the Community/Public Health Nurse

Using Chapter 2 in the course textbook, your assigned reading on the role of the nurse in a specific public health setting, and reviewing this week’s media presentation, address the following in a 2- to 3-page paper:

Trace the history of the public health nurse including the contributions made by Lillian Wald and the Henry Street Settlement. Also, summarize the role of the nurse in the practice setting assigned. Include the following in your summary:

Explain how the core functions of community/public health nursing and the standards of practice are met with that specific role.
Describe the population served by the nurse in this role.
Which interventions might the nurse in this role utilize?
Explain the level of practice used in this practice setting (primary/secondary/tertiary).
Describe an ethical dilemma that might be encountered in this nursing role.
Use the Application Rubric in the Course Info area on the left navigation bar to develop this paper.

Due byDay 7.

Virtual Practicum Team Discussion

Practicum Activities: Identify a Population Group

Community health nursing needs to be not only on the individual, but also the family and the community. This activity is intended to teach you how the term community health is about identifying problems and managing interactions within the community. In meeting multiple needs, community health nurses are required to fulfill multiple roles. These roles include care provider, educator, advocate, manager, collaborator, leader and researcher.
This week, your instructor has assigned you to choose a population group that you will write about for the next six weeks. Community health nursing settings include homes, ambulatory care settings, schools, occupational heath settings, residential institutions, and the community at large. Knowing about these settings may assist you in choosing your population group. Read more about populations in your textbook.
Please address the following:

Introduce yourself to your team members. Where do you work?
Briefly describe the community where you live.
For the purpose of the Population-Based Nursing Care Project, choose a population group that interests you. Describe what the members of your chosen group have in common? For example, do they share some important features in their lives?
What are some health problems or issues that you can think of that may affect the population that you are interested in?.
Post your response to this Discussion byDay 5. Respond to at leasttwocolleagues’ postings byDay 7. See the Week 6 Practicum Discussion area for details.

Week 2




Course Media:Family, Community, and Population-Based Care

“Epidemiology in Community Health Nursing” featuring Dr. David Jacobs, Ms. Joan Marren, and Dr. Fernando Guerra

Course Text:Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community

Chapter 6, “Application of Ethics in the Community”
Chapter 12, “Epidemiology” (pp. 243–266; 272–274)
Chapter 17, “Promoting Healthy Communities Using Multi-level Participatory Strategies”
Chapter 14, “Communicable and Infectious Disease Risks”

Fayram E. S., & Anderko, L. (2009). Applied epidemiology for public health and community-based nurses.Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 40(8), 361–366.
Web Sites

Center for Disease Control
Optional Resources are listed in the Week 2 Learning Resources area.

Threaded Discussion

Using the Epidemiologic Triangle

Using the Epidemiologic Triangle concept, consider the relationship among causal agents, susceptible persons, and environmental factors. Then, respond to the following:

As a BSN-prepared community health nurse, what steps should Debbie take next?
How might information systems be used to support Debbie’s efforts?
Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.

Post your response to this Discussion byDay 3. Respond to at leasttwocolleagues’ postings byDay 7. See the Week 2 Discussion area for details.

Virtual Practicum Team Discussion

Practicum Activities: Use Health Data and a Population Group Health Problem

This week, your instructor has assigned you to begin collecting health data about a health problem or issue that affects your population group. Examples of health data include epidemiological information related to health conditions, reproductive outcomes, causes of death, and quality of life. Important information to include is socioeconomic data (poverty levels) and the presence or lack of health insurance in your population. Read more about epidemiology in your textbook.

There are a variety of sources to collect health data – at the local, state, and national level. Access and review the professional literature to support your case. If data is not available to support your heath issue for a local group, use state or national data. Read more about health data collection in your textbook.

Some website links are provided in the Course Webliography to help get your started. It takes time to gather data, so don’t worry about finalizing your data collection this week. In weeks 3 and 4, you will continue to collect Health Data by means of contacting your local health department and performing a community assessment.

Please address the following:

What are some health problems within your population group?
Is there a priority health problem that stands out to you?
What population-related health problem do you want to focus on for this project?
Identify one or more websites that you found to be useful. Please post the sites/s in the Course Webliography.
Post your response to this Discussion byDay 5. Respond to at leasttwocolleagues’ postings byDay 7. See the Week 2 Practicum Discussion area for details.

Week 3

Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response



Course Media:Family, Community, and Population-Based Care

“Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response in Community Health Nursing” featuring Ms. Joan Marren, Dr. George DiFerdinando, and Dr. Fernando Guerra

Course Text:Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community

Chapter 23, “Public Health Nursing and the Disaster Management Cycle”
Chapter 24, “Public Health Surveillance and Outbreak Investigation”
Chapter 13, “Infectious Disease Prevention and Control”

O’Boyle, C., Robertson, C., & Secor-Turner, M. (2006). Public health emergencies: nurses’ recommendations for effective actions.AAOHN Journal, 54(8), 347–353.
Richard, J., & Grimes, D. (2008). Bioterrorism: Class A agents and their potential presentations in immunocompromised patients.Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 12(2), 295-302.
Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management. (2007). Guidelines for child–friendly disaster management and response [Fact sheet]. Retrieved from
Optional Resources are listed in the Week 3 Learning Resources area.

Threaded Discussion

There is no Discussion this week.


Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response

Select a disaster that could happen in your community. Then, write a 3- to 4-page paper outlining the following:

The disaster
How the professional nurse would use clinical judgment and decision-making skills to provide appropriate nursing care
Other health care professionals that may be involved in a response
Suggest strategies for improving your community’s response to your identified disaster
Due byDay 7.

Virtual Practicum Team Discussion

Practicum Activities 3: Consider Levels of Prevention
This week your instructor has assigned you to consider the levels of prevention used in the community health setting. The three levels are primary, secondary, and tertiary. What do these terms mean? Briefly stated, prevention is about taking action to prevent or minimize the occurrence of an event. Read about levels of prevention on page 192 of your textbook. To improve population health, the community nurse carries out her work sequentially and simultaneously at all levels of prevention.

Also, as you continue to work on collecting health data. Consider contacting your local community health department this week to find out how they involved in addressing your problem. See what you can uncover. Also, collaborating with other health care professionals, including your team members, will assist you to gain a fuller understanding of both your issue and your chosen population.

Please address the following:

Think about the three levels of prevention and how they relate to your population group’s health problem.
Provide three examples of health interventions, one for each level of prevention, that are appropriate actions to take regarding your population’s problem.
Post your response to this Discussion byDay 5. Respond to at leasttwocolleagues’ postings byDay 7. See the Week 3 Practicum Discussion area for details.

Week 4

Community Assessment and Interventions



Course Media:Family, Community, and Population-Based Care

“Assessing the Community” featuring Dr. Fernando Guerra, Ms. Joan Marren, Dr. Rachel Smith, and Dr. Barbara Sattler

Course Text:Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community

Chapter 7, “Cultural Diversity in the Community”
Chapter 16, “Using Health Education and Groups to Promote Health”
Chapter 18, “Community as Client: Assessment and Analysis”

Douglas, M., Uhl Pierce, J., Rosenkoetter, M., Clark Callister, L., Hattar-Pllara, M., Lauderdale, J. et al. (2009). Standards of practice for culturally competent nursing care: A request for comments.Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 20(3), 257–2 69.
Running, A., Martin, K., & Tolle, L. W. (2007). An innovative model for conducting a participatory community health assessment.Journal of Community Health Nursing, 24(4) 203- 213.
Web Sites

Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Optional Resources are listed in the Week 4 Learning Resources area.


Cultural Competence

To prepare for this Discussion, review the media presentations and Chapter 7 in the course textbook. Focus particularly on Dr. Smith’s presentation on cultural competence and on pages 146–152 in the textbook which discusses cultural competence. Also, review the Douglas, et al. article on “Standards of Practice for Culturally Competent Nursing Care.” Then, select a major ethnic or religious group from your community. With this group in mind, respond to the following questions:

What major ethnic or religious groups are present in your community whose culture is different from your own?
Discuss your assumptions about this group.
How might a nurse’s positive or negative assumptions influence the care provided, and thus health outcomes?

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.

Post your response to this Discussion byDay 3. Respond to at leasttwocolleagues’ postings byDay 7. See the Week 4 Discussion area for details.


Community Assessment

To prepare for this Application, review the media presentations for this week and Chapter 15 in the course textbook on community assessment. In addition, use Table 15-5 on page 355 in the textbook to guide your windshield assessment. Include your windshield assessment with your Application.
Conduct an assessment of the community in which you live, including a windshield assessment. Then, write a 3- to 4-page paper that includes the following:

Vital statistics
Environmental issues
Occupational health hazards
Vulnerable populations
Resources available in the community
Other pertinent information about the community
Due byDay 7ofWeek 5.

Virtual Practicum Team Discussion

Practicum Activities: Consider Levels of Nursing Intervention
This week your instructor has assigned you to consider the levels of intervention used in the community health setting. The three levels are community-level practice, systems-level practice, and individual-level practice. What do these terms mean? Read about the levels of intervention on page 192 to 193 of your textbook. To improve population health, the community nurse carries out her culturally-competent care sequentially and simultaneously at all levels of intervention.
Also, consider community resources as they relate to your chosen population-based health problem.

Services provided by others health care providers
Lack of services
Cultural/ beliefs of community
Health/illness beliefs
Values, attitudes, health behaviors and practices
Please address the following:

Think about the how levels of intervention relate to the work you are doing regarding your population group’s health problem. Provide three examples of interventions, one for each level of intervention, that are appropriate actions to take regarding your population’s problem.
Provide a few examples of community resources that need to be in place to assist your population group’s problem. Resources are especially important to assist vulnerable populations with reducing their health risks and disparities.
Are there any cultural-based related issues regarding your group that should inform your approach to care?
Post your response to this Discussion byDay 5. Respond to at leasttwocolleagues’ postings byDay 7. See the Week 4 Practicum Discussion area for details.

Week 5

Family, Individual, and Group Assessment and Interventions



Course Media:Family, Community and Population-Based Care

“The Influence of the Family and Culture on Health” featuring Ms. Joan Marren, Dr. Rachel Smith, and Ms. Christina Lee

Course Text:Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community

Chapter 27, “Family Development and Family Nursing Assessment”
Chapter 28, “Family Health Risks”
Chapter 29, “Child and Adolescent Health”

Benzein, E. G., Hagberg, M., & Saveman, B. (2008). ‘Being appropriately unusual’: A challenge for nurses in health-promoting conversations with families.Nursing Inquiry, 15(2), 106–1 15.
Stewart, L., Chapple, J., Hughes, A. R., Poustie, V., & Reilly, J. J. (2008). The use of behavioral change techniques in the treatment of pediatric obesity: qualitative evaluation of parental perspectives on treatment.Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 21(5), 464–473.
Optional Resources are listed in the Week 5 Learning Resources area.


The Influence of Culture and Genetics on Health

Answer the following questions:

How might the family’s culture and genetic history influence your communication and approach in addressing their health risks?
How would you build trust with the family before and during the visit?

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.

Post your response to this Discussion byDay 3. Respond to at leasttwocolleagues’ postings byDay 7. See the Week 5 Discussion area for details.


Community Assessment

Due byDay 7. See the Week 4 Application area for complete instructions.

Virtual Practicum Team

Practicum Activities: Create Evidenced-Based, Culturally Appropriate Interventions
This week your instructor wants you to access and appraise culturally-sensitive, research-based interventions to prevent, improve, and bring comfort to your population group. Community health nurses are critical thinkers informed of all important research finding. Critical-thinking is key. Please read about evidenced-based research in your textbook.

Please respond the following:

In week 3 and 4, you identified strategies/interventions related to a population group’s heath problem, and categorized them according to the levels and prevention and intervention. Describe whether those interventions are ” evidenced based.” Why or why not?
Share at least two strategies/prevention related to your population and it’s health problem that you feel confident are evidenced-based. Why do you think that? Think in terms of research outcomes.
Identify one evidenced-based behavior change technique to promote or manage illness among your population group.
Post your response to this Discussion byDay 5. Respond to at leasttwocolleagues’ postings byDay 7. See the Week 5 Practicum Discussion area for details.

Week 6

Vulnerable Populations: Community Health Related



Course Media:Family, Community and Population-Based Care

“Vulnerable Populations” featuring Dr. Daniel Herman, Dr. Peater Beilenson, Ms. Joan Marren, and Dr. Rachel Smith

Course Text:Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community

Chapter 32, “Vulnerability and Vulnerable Populations: An Overview”
Chapter 33, “Poverty and Homelessness”
Chapter 36, “Mental Health Issues”
Chapter 37, “Alchohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Problems”

Abrams, S. (2008). Disparity and responsibility.Public Health Nursing, 25(5), 387–388.

Chaikin, J. (2008). Children of Darfur: A vulnerable population.International Journal of Nursing Practice, 14(1), 74–77.

Paul, I. M., Lehman, E. B., Suliman, A. K., & Hillemeier, M. M. (2008). Perinatal disparities for black mothers and their newborns.Maternal & Child Health Journal, 12(4), 452–4 60.

Slaughter, S., Cole, D., Jennings, E., & Reimer, M. (2007). Consent and assent to participate in research from people with dementia.Nursing Ethics, 14(1), 27–40.

National Healthcare Disparities Report, 2008

Optional Resources are listed in the Week 6 Learning Resources area.


Discussion: Advocating for Social Justice

Respond to the following:

What is the community health nurse’s role in advocating for social justice for vulnerable populations and in eliminating health disparities?

How do you see community health care and the role of the community health nurse changing in the future?
Post your response to this Discussion byDay 3. Respond to at leasttwocolleagues’ postings, one in each Discussion thread, byDay 7. See the Week 6 Discussion area for details.

Practicum Assignment: Summary of Practicum Activities

Create a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes your practicum activities. Include a minimum of 6 slides (10 maximum) and the following information:


Population you are working with and key health issues

Other members of the health care team or professionals you are collaborating with

Outline or summary of your practicum experience emphasizing health promotion and prevention activities and interventions

Ethical issues you are encountering

Reflection statement that imparts how your view of community/public health nursing and population-based care was impacted by the practicum experience

Post your PowerPoint presentation to the Summary of Practicum Activities Discussion byDay 5. View at least two of your colleagues’ presentations and provide specific feedback on their projects byDay 7. See the Week 6 Discussion area for details.

Virtual Practicum Team Discussion

Practicum Activities: Present Population-Based Nursing Care Project

This week create a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes your Population-Based Nursing Care Plan Project. (See rubric in Course Info)


Post your PowerPoint presentation byday 5of this week.
Review all of your team members’ presentations.
Respond byDay 7to at leasttwoof your colleagues’ postings:
Please respond to the following:

Describe a potential evaluation plan.
Now that you have completed the project what is your role in advancing population-based care in your community?
In your current practice and as a health leader in your community how will you collaborate with other healthcare providers to promote the health of your community?
Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.

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